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Help with your questions about your buyer profile

How do I unsubscribe from emails or adjust which emails I receive?

You can manage which messages you receive via the notification emails you receive from CrowdMall. Any notification you receive will include a link to manage your preferences or to unsubscribe from receiving similar such emails. If you’ve received unw

How can I keep my account secure?

Your payment information is secure because CrowdMall does not store any banking or credit card information directly on its servers. We also do not share your payment details with product creators (i.e., sellers). All credit card information is secure

How can I enable two-factor authentication?

At the moment, CrowdMall does not offer two-factor authentication. Make sure you choose a "very strong" password that is memorable to you when you create a buyer "My account" profile at CrowdMall. Use numbers, upper and lower case letters, and specia

How do I delete my account?

If you’d like to delete your CrowdMall buyer account, you can request this course of action by emailing our customer services team at [email protected]. You can't do this on your own. Please bear in mind that you can't reverse the deletion of your ac