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Reporting a product

Help with communicating violations

How can I report something to CrowdMall?

Most questions you may have can be answered either by consulting CrowdMall Rules, policies, and Terms of Service or searching for help at CrowdMall's FAQs and Help Center pages. If you can't find the answer to your problem or issue you want to report

How do I report a copyright violation?

Start by consulting the "Copyright" section in CrowdMall's Terms of Service. Follow the guidance in the Terms of Service and then report your copyright issue by writing to CrowdMall's customer services team via email at [email protected].

How do I report a trademark violation?

Start by consulting the "Copyright" section in CrowdMall's Terms of Service, which includes a paragraph relating to trademarks. Follow the guidance in the Terms of Service and then report your copyright issue by writing to CrowdMall's customer servic